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Yearly (save 20%)
Cova Premium
Start your 14 days free trial
Sync balance directly from your finance and investment Apps
Real-time tracking of over 150,000 global stocks.
Track over 8000 crypto tickers, wallets, and exchanges in real-time.
Connect over 11,000 banks and brokerage accounts
Automated Net worth Tracking
Automated liabilities tracking; credit cards, loans & more
Manage portfolio beneficiaries; create a deadman’s switch
Unlimited storage space for vital documents
Monthly reports on portfolio and asset history.
Data is live and current.
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Free Premium access for 14 days
Cova Free Plan
Continue on Free Plan
*no credit card required
Track Your Net Worth
Manual assets tracking; no real-time updates.
Manual liabilities tracking; credit cards, loans, etc.
Assign a beneficiary to your portfolio
500MB storage space for vital documents
Manage portfolio beneficiaries; create a deadman’s switch
No cryptocurrency exchange/wallet tracking
No real-time stock tracking
No banks or brokerage accounts tracking
Cannot connect finance & investments apps
Data is not in real-time
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What our users are saying
Our Testimonials
I searched the internet for a solution to help me consolidate my investments online and give access to my family in case I'm not around, then Cova came.
Emmanuel, San Jose, USA.